Barney McGuire
Barney McGuire, International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers
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Barney McGuire (1916-1995) was a hardrock miner, born and raised in Alice Arm, B.C. In 1933 he began working in mines throughout B.C., the Yukon, Northwest Territories and later in eastern Canada after being blacklisted for his union activity. In 1946 he became an organizer for the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers (Mine Mill). This interview covers decades of B.C. mining union history and union organizing. McGuire discusses Steelworker raids on Mine Mill.
Keywords: Mine Mill, Salmo, Ymir, Nelson, Slocan, Yankee Girl, Copper Mountain, Britannia, Bralorne, Rossland, Sandon, Bridge River, Alice Arm, Anyox, Wells, Nanaimo, Zeballos, Kirkland Lake, Uranium City, United Keno, Mackeno, Lynn Lake, Sudbury, Trail, Kimberley, Knights of Labor, I.W.W. (Industrial Workers of the World), O.B.U. (One Big Union), Western Federation of Miners (W.F.M.), Steelworkers, Big Bill Haywood, Chase Powers, Harvey Murphy, American Federation of Labor, Longshoremen’s union, Communist Party, Tunnel and Rock Workers’ Union, voter registration