Miners Memorial Weekend 2016

Miner’s Memorial Weekend 2016

The BC Labour Oral History Project hosted a “Listening Booth” as part of the 31st Annual Miner’s Memorial Weekend in 2016, in partnership with the Cumberland Museum & Archives. We captured the memories and stories of 19 individuals, who recalled their personal involvement with the labour movement and Cumberland’s Miner’s Memorial Weekend. 
Click on the interviewee’s photo to listen to their personal oral history interview (audio only).


Brian Charlton

Bruce Stout

Yeje “Smokey” Dimni

Meagan Cursons

Aaron Eckman

Florence Bell

Sy Peterson

Serena Patterson

Marianne Bell

Steven Harvey

Ann Davis

Frank Carter

Ken and Joan Boxall

Melissa Roth

Neil Vokey

Susan Stout

Gordon Shephard