Clive Lytle

Interviewed by Ken Bauder and Bailey Garden

Clive Lytle was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1937. He went to University for his Bachelors of Arts degree, and was recommended to apply for a research position at the BC Federation of Labour. He went on to hold various roles in the labour movement, producing communication and educational material for a number of organizations, including developing a Labour Studies program for Simon Fraser University. Clive passed away on October 27, 2016.

Keywords: B.C. Federation of Labour [BC Fed]; BC and Yukon Territory Building and Construction Trades Council; Building & Construction Trades; Continuing Education [SFU]; Dave Barrett [1972 provincial election]; Feminism; Labour education; Labour history; Labour issues; Labour Relations Board [LRB]; Labour Studies [faculty]; Simon Fraser University [SFU]; Strikes; New Democratic Party [NDP]; NDP Youth Section; Women’s issues; Women’s rights movement;

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